Put our trainer to work for you.

321 Swing Tech

Redefining Golf Instruction

321 SwingTech Golf Swing Builder

Direct Swing

Begin from the ground up with small easy to follow parts using the Swing Tech App.
321 SwingTech Golf Swing Feedback

Reflect Swing

The Compass feedback will refine and reinforce training as you learn.
321 SwingTech Golf Swing Studio

Perfect Swing

Hands-on training with SwingTech is the quickest way to a better golf swing.

Learn How

Using the 321 SwingTech Compass (VIDEO)
takes the guesswork out of the golf swing.
Today's most direct path to perfect your
swing is to flatten the learning curve.
Our training compacts days into hours.
Signup to improve your swing today.

Complete the form below to learn more.

Our Approach

Remove The Guesswork

Getting Started

Enter your contact information with Pro Code, then tap SUBMIT on the Join In form. Now check your email to confirm the request was processed.

How It Works

Next, you will be connected with a Pro Instructor to learn about 321 Swing Tech training options using the contact information you submitted.

Swing Trainers

Watch for your activation email with instructions to load the Swing Tech smartphone app. On lesson day: Meet your Pro, pickup a trainer, mount your phone, and begin your training.

Join In

Enter your Contact Information below.